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During my wide-ranging experience in most styles and performance situations,  passionate, dynamic, good listener, humble, well spoken, and professional are all qualities band leaders and members have used to describe me. My job is to support, and I have spent years mastering my craft in order to fully support whomever I work with, both as a musician and person.

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Modern Drummer

Modern Drummer Magazine
Director of Special Projects

(Content Creation, Social Media Operations, Product Reviews, Education, Website Development, Brand Consultant)


Modern Drummer magazine is worlds longest running and most widely read drumming magazine, respected by drummers everywhere as an authority on all things drumming. The world's #1 drumming resource since 1977, Modern Drummer features Interviews with world-class drummers, reviews of drum products, albums, recordings and publications, and reports on trends and events within the industry.

HBO's Euphoria
'Featured Talent'

After an extensive audition process, I was chosen personally by director Sam Levinson season 2 episode 7, ‘The Theatre & It’s Double’ which went on to win multiple Emmy awards. I enjoy that type of high pressure environment, it’s an entirely different job as a drummer compared to playing with a band or a recording session. The part of my job that’s the same is to provide support and make everyone else’s jobs easier. The first thing Sam asked me to play was “something kitschy.” So of course I say yes sir no problem. But what does that sound like on the drum set? Well that’s my job to figure out and we have about 20 seconds until cameras start rolling. So after doing that gig, everything else got a bit easier in comparison, and has prepared me for gigs I don’t even know about yet.

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Clinician - Berklee Global Partners
USFQ - Quito, Ecuador


Berklee Global Partners is a collective of institutions around the world aligned by a common vision and mission. USFQ is the leading higher education music program in Ecuador and Is top rated in South America. For 20 years, CoM has been responsible for training, strengthening, and supporting musicians in the country. Every semester CoM offers clinics and workshops with top-rated international musicians and producers. Victor Wooten was the last clinic before mine with Felix Martin.

Sabian Education Network

SEN is the fastest-growing network of drum teachers in the world. When I first joined, I was the youngest

ever member at 16 years old.


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